
Lorraine's Quest:

Inspiration Adventure & Truth!

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Greetings to all who have ventured here! My wish is to share with you many of the aspects of my life in photos, travel logs, quotes and an autobiography of my early years. May they expand your own dreamscape of inspiration, adventure and truth!”

Quotes To Inspire

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Lorraine Photos-2

“A Flare of Willpower”

My struggle to thrive!

This autobiography details my adventures and struggles growing up in a very small, Acadian French village, Beresford, New Brunswick, Canada. I was born here on March 10 In the 1940’s. At that time, it was very common for Acadians to have many children and I was blessed to be one of 13 children growing up close to nature and the scenic Baie des Chaleurs. These early years gave me a thirst for knowledge, learning from books and people, travelling and growing in my perspectives all of which I have tried to do throughout my life.


“Lorraine passed on November 14, 2022. Her website is being continued as a legacy tribute to Lorraine’s writing and her beautiful spirit. “

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